Well ...Do to receiving a lot of inquiries and even a phone call today about the...
Well ...Do to receiving a lot of inquiries and even a phone call today about the question of who are the many helpers inside "TikiFarm"..I decided to do a fast little sketch of what I saw by the South back door today. Enjoying the Spring sunshine and making some touch-ups on a raw mug...I affectionately introduce you to our "MugaHune". Skilled in craft and charm...these beings make up the masses of the "Tiki Farm" Labor force. Guided by us in high spirited creativity and vision. More to be seen of them soon... ALOHA, ~THOR 4/02/16 #TikiFarm #TomThordarson #ThorArt #Tiki #TikiMug #TikiArtist #ThorHawaii