"Tiki Farm" Adventures....Journal sketch entry 05/05/2016. You will LOVE this...
"Tiki Farm" Adventures....Journal sketch entry 05/05/2016. You will LOVE this one! Sat early this morning near the West wing of the Tiki Farm factory and caught a glimpse of several "MugaHune's" getting ready to load a huge net of crated mugs via air ship! This flying ship is named the "CONE TIKI"...inspired by the ceramics firing temperature term, "CONE" as in Cone 5, Cone 10...etc. Also named after the sound a like exploring raft of famous Polynesian Adventures, past, the "Kon Tiki". I had just finished this sketch as I watched this enchanting ship, with nets full to the gills, rise into the pale cherry pink sky line on it's way to deliver Tiki wonders to many a thirsty crowd~~ Now...I must be back to my drawing board....many, many mugs to create!!! ~~~THOR