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With Tiki Oasis being less than a week away, I thought it'd be fun to do a quick GIVEAWAY! Enter for a chance to win a THOR ART Tiki Print! Valued at $840!  Secondary prizes are matted art prints, t-shirts and trucker hats!

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fantasyart, fantasyartist, painting lessons, the zen of painting, thor art, tom thordarson -

Lesson 2 The Zen of Painting
Continuing on with the educational painting blogs after receiving such wonderful feedback on "The Zen of Painting" Lesson 1.  Now we are on to Lesson 2: How energy, like painting sunlight, reflects off of everything around us.

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fantasy art, fantasyartist, painting lessons, thorart, tom thordarson, tomthordarson -

painting thorart huntington pier pressure fantasy art

This is the first of many educational painting blogs for those who want to learn.  Lesson 1: how to "see" before you paint.

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bottled secrets, fantasy art, fantasyart, nautical art, thor at, thorart, tom thordarson, tomthordarson -

thorart tom thordarson nautical art bottled secrets fantasy art
"Bottled Secrets" is from my Nautical Art series.  I tell the story of my REAL encounter with a message in a bottle & how i turned it into inspiration.

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amusement park entertainment, fantasy art, fantasyart, flying squeegi brothers, sketch, thorart, tom thordarson, tomthordarson -

thorart tom thordarson fantasy art past sketch
Outside of my personal fine art paintings, I have a career, since before I graduated from College in the Entertainment Industry doing design work for amusement parks.  This is a past sketch called "The Squeegi Brothers" created as a concept for amusement park entertainment.

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